Why focus on prevention of Acute Kidney Disease (AKI)?
Burden Of Disease
Acute Kidney Injury (AKI) is an abrupt loss of kidney function and is a frequent sequela to many types of surgery including common cardiovascular and abdominal procedures
Common short-term consequences of AKI include anuria and serious metabolic disorders, often resulting in lengthened ICU stays and in some cases, the need for kidney dialysis and an increased risk of mortality
Long-term consequences include chronic kidney disease (CKD), often resulting in ongoing dialysis or transplant and an increased risk of death
Current medical response consists of supportive care - no drugs are currently approved to treat AKI
Kidney function does not return to baseline in most AKI patients
Incidence of AKI in the United States
There are more than 8 million annual cases of AKI in the U.S.alone with more than 80,000 will requiring dialysis
Patients who experience AKI following surgery have a greatly increases risk for hospital re-admission and typically spend more days in intensive care following surgery, increasing risk of infection and greatly increasing costs
Mortality in patients experiencing AKI has been shown in studies to be as high as 50% in some high-risk populations
Economic Impact of AKI
In the United States, annual direct costs of AKI are estimated at $24 billion - and this does not include the costs of dialysis & transplant following End-Stage Renal Disease (ESRD)
In the United Kingdom, AKI consumes 1% of the entire NHS budget.
Our target AKI market, focused only on easily identified high risk patients currently exceeds $8 billion annually
Nephraegis is Fighting AKI through its development of a family of proprietary drug candidates that have great promise to prevent AKI
Lead compound NPH-022 is an epoxyeicosatrienoic-related compound (EET). EETs regulate a variety of renal and vascular processes and hold great promise to treat a variety of kidney diseases
NPH-022 has demonstrated an impressive efficacy and safety profile in models of AKI, supporting its potential as a breakthrough candidate to address the unmet medical need in AKI
AKI is often debilitating and can greatly decrease quality of live and leads to many premature deaths. Our focus is on improving patients’ lives by preventing AKI
AKI is a high priority for both national and international advocacy groups including the National Kidney Foundation, the American Society for Nephrology and the International Society for Nephrology
“The state of care for patients with chronic kidney disease and end-stage renal disease (ESRD) is unacceptable: too many at-risk patients progress to late-stage kidney failure; the mortality rate is too high; current treatment options are expensive and do not produce an acceptable quality of life; and there are not enough kidneys donated to meet the current demand for transplants.”